- Creating domain with xen :-
- xm create "domain_configuration_file"
- To list all domains running on xen:
- xm list
- To kill a domain
- xm destroy <domain_name>
Terminal 1: create the domain on a paused state.
xm create "domain_config" -p
Terminal 2: run gdbsx and create network interface
xm list - get the domain id number
gdbsx -a <domainId> 32 9999 - 32 bit version at port number 9999
Terminal 3: run gdb
gdb path_to_the_os_executable
gdb target remote localhost:9999
Some useful gdb commands:
1. gdb break function_name # set break point at function
2. gdb continue # execute the program till the break point
3. gdb print var_name # print the content of the variable
4. gdb next # execute one line at a time after the break point.